Spring, @PathVariable, dots and truncated values...

If you are using a Spring @PathVariable with a @RequestMapping to map the end of a request URI that contains a dot, you may end up wondering why you end up with a partial value in your variable - with the value truncated at the last dot. For example, if you had the mapping:

@RequestMapping(value = "/test/{foo}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public void test(@PathVariable String foo){

and you made a request to /test/fred.smith, then foo="fred" and the .smith is nowhere to be seen. Similarly, if you requested /test/fred.smith.jnr, then foo=fred.smith and the .jnr would be absent. (Spring thinks these are file extensions and helpfully removes them for you.)

The simple fix for this is to add a regex to the RequestMapping variable definition as per:

@RequestMapping(value = "/test/{foo:.*}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
    public void test(@PathVariable String foo){

Then for /test/fred.smith you will get foo="fred.smith".

Others have obviously encountered the same issue - see the StackExchange questions Spring MVC PathVariable getting truncated and Spring MVC Path Variable with dot is getting truncated for some additional information.